March 6, 2012

National Craft Month!!

March is National Craft Month so this month I will be sharing different crafty projects with you! Some will be wearable crafts, some will be things that I made for my house, some things to make life easier, and some desserts (those count too right?).

Up first is my Anthropolgie inspired scarf.

I had my first visit to Anthro on our honeymoon in Santa Monica. I left empty handed. I picked up a book and carried it around for a while but in the end decided that I didn't need it (I do that a lot).
But then last week I had a conference in the twin cities for work and I went with my friend Kristina. On the way down we stopped at Trader Joe's, Anthro, and Sonic. What a day :) It was on this 2nd trip that I made my first Anthro purchase:
A shopping list for my fridge (check it out as you run out of it-so smart!), we registered for one of these at Target on our wedding registry and we didn't get it. Then I saw it at Anthro for less than it is at Target! What?! And a pretty blue dish for our bedroom to put my rings in when I shower. I could've bought one of the dishes in each color I loved them so much. I love the bigger ones too but I couldn't justify more cereal bowls.

Anyway, I also saw this scarf there:
I love this scarf! I tried it on, I checked myself out in the mirror. Pink is my color and I loved that it has a bunch of shades of pink and I love the sparkely dots. I love every thing about it. Except for the price tag.


For a scarf.

No way. Couldn't do it. Put it back on the hanger thingy and walked away from it. With a sad face.

Then on Wednesdsay, after the conference and on my way home I stopped at JoAnn fabrics. To browse, because we don't have one here where I live. I got fabric for 3 other projects then I saw this beautiful bright pink chiffon fabric with irredescent dots on it. For only $9.95 a yard! I thought to myself, I could make that Anthro scarf! So that's what I did yesterday.

I cut the fabric in half (down to 1/4 of a yard) then hand stitched two of the ends together to give it more length. And now, I have my own Anthro scarf that only cost $5 and 30 minutes of my time. Winner!
Please don't mind my lack of make-up in the picture on the left. I worked from home yesterday. And in the picture on the bottom right, it's folded in half, it's super long.

So there you have project #1 of National Craft Month! Whoop Whoop!

Love, Mrs K

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