June 22, 2011

So What Wednesday!

Here's what I'm saying So What to this week:

*if I have laundry that I did last weekend (the 11th) that still hasn't been put away yet.

*if I want to buy better/cuter/more durable luggage. I like mine (thanks family!!) but it's just black- it isn't very cute or distinguishable. And I'm spending a lot of time with my luggage this summer.

*if my continuting education trip makes me want to cry already and it isn't until Feb. Going to New Orleans from Northern MN is spendy!

*if being able to pay my credit card bill on line saves my butt almost every month. I don't know what it is about that bill but I can never seem to remember it until like a day or two before it's due!

*if I haven't made the prize for my first giveaway winner yet. I'm sorry Cindy- it's coming, I promise!!

*if I wish I had a car that could drive itself so I could sleep while driving.

*if I like things really organized. It makes it easier to find things and I feel better about my life. That's why I spent about an hour and half yesterday afternoon organizing 4 3-ring binders that I use often.

*that also why my movies are in alphabetical order and my closet is color coded.

*if I'm writing this and my Wedding Wednesday post on Tues. afternoon. I walked to work and then it started to rain. I didn't want to walk home in the rain just to walk back to church for the council meeting tonight in the rain. So I staying in my office, got caught up on my blog, and ate baked cheetos.

What are you saying So What to this week?
Head on over to Life After I "Dew" to see what
everyone else is saying So What to this week.

Love, a future Mrs.

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